Taking your social life to the next level

Our new social media app is here to help you be more social with your friends and to enjoy a fulfilling social life
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Tired of mindlessly scrolling through your social media posts?

Todays social media is all about consuming content from a fake world from people we barely know. Which is bad for our mental health and our social well-being.
Our app utilizes AI technology to provide personalized recommendations, spark fun-filled experiences, and motivate you to connect with friends both online and offline

Meet our brand methodology, called

Enhanced social connections

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more images shared in private group

Up to



more conversations in group

More than



Want to become early adopters after testing our prototype

MeSocial has already been accepted into the Acceleration program of FasterCapital and is seeking a capital of €200,000 to be raised. Get more insights for Investors

Meet our team

Meet the fantastic folks behind the scenes who've poured their hearts and souls into creating an unforgettable social app experience.

Said Zeiai

CEO / Co-founder

Erick Chavez

CTO / Co-founder

Marika Johansson


Johan Nedin

Software Engineering Lead

Tomas Tennlin

Senior developer

Andreas Ottesen

Senior developer

Viktor Eriksson

Senior developer

Max Mokhnatskyi

Product Designer